titano-, titan-
(Greek > Latin: any person or something of enormous size or power)
From Greek mythology, one of the primitive gigantic deities, the children of Uranus and Gaea; the sun god, Helios, was the son of the Titan Hyperion.
2. A very large and incontestable company, person, etc.: A titan is a giant in any field of endeavor, a person of outstanding ability who towers above all of the others in his or her field.
There are several national and multinational titans who are competing to control the economies of the world.
A titan is someone of outstanding achievement, tremendous strength, or of colossal size.
3. The planet Saturn has 23 satellites around it and the biggest one is in the Solar System: The largest satellite is Titan, which is said to be 3,180 miles (5,119 kilometers) in diameter.2. When not capitalized, it refers to someone whose power, achievement, intellect, or physical size is extraordinarily impressive: At 60, Jack LaLanne swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman’s Wharf handcuffed, shackled and towing a 1,000-pound boat; then when he was 70, handcuffed and shackled again, he towed 70 boats, carrying a total of 70 people, a mile and a half through Long Beach Harbor proving his titanesque capabilities.
2. When not capitalized, a woman of very great strength, intellect, or importance: More and more women in our modern times are becoming titanesses as they take the places of men in politics, businesses, and other areas of authority.
The great ship, at that time, was the largest and most luxurious afloat and it was thought to be so large and so advanced as to be unsinkable.
There was a titanic explosion in the sauna of a local fitness studio that almost completely destroyed the building.
Many titanic efforts were made to save passengers of the recent sinking of a Korean ferry.
Anything that is described as "gigantic" may also apply to being titanic as illustrated in the cartoon below.

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As a titanically equipped person, LaLanne performed multiple feats of strength and endurance. His first presentation was an underwater swim in 1954 covering the length of the Golden Gate Bridge, loaded with 140 pounds of equipment.
Jack went on to stage for many additional titanically attention-getting events, including completing over a thousand pushups in a little over 20 minutes, and towing 65 boats filled with thousands of pounds of wood pulp in Japan.
As a metal, titanium is used to make strong, light, corrosion-resistant alloys (a mixture of two or more metals and a non-metal) with high melting points; that is, those that are used in aircraft wings, artificial hips, heart pacemakers, golf clubs, and jewelry.
Titanium has an extraordinary combination of good qualities. It is only a little more than half as heavy as steel, it is stronger, weight for weight, than aluminum or steel; it is resistant to corrosion and it is able to withstand high temperatures.
For all of these reasons, titanium is now being used in aircraft, ships, and guided missiles; or wherever these properties can be put to good use.
The term titanomachy is based on the furious battles that took place between the Titans and the Olympian gods as expressed in Greek mythology.
2. Etymology: from modern Latin Titanosaurus, genus name; from Greek Titan, "giant gods" + therion, "wild beast".
Paleontologists in Argentina’s remote Patagonia region have discovered fossils of what was likely the largest dinosaur ever to roam the earth
The creature is believed to be a new species of Titanosaur, a long-necked, long-tailed sauropod that walked on four legs and lived some 95 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period.
The dinosaur is believed to have weighed the equivalent of more than fourteen adult African elephants, or about 100 tons.
Other known fossils of the giant Titanosaur are usually scarce and fragmentary; however, in this discovery, there are many remains and they were practically intact.
The fossils were accidentally discovered in 2011 by a farm worker in a remote area in the Patagonian province of Chubut, some 1300 kilometers (about 800 miles) south of Buenos Aires.
Unhappily, most Titanosaurids are known from very incomplete remains and they are believed to have lived during the Late Cretaceous period.
The Titanosaurid was previously called the "Magyarosaurus" and it was named by British paleontologist Richard Lydekker in 1885.
The Titanosaurus
2. Etymology: from modern Latin Titanotherium, from Greek Titan, "Titan" + therion, "wild beast".